The Myths behind the Yoga Poses!

Photo 23-07-2018, 12 13 37.jpg

With the birthplace of yoga in India, its tradition is incredibly rich in philosophy and storytelling behind the asanas - the physical postures - we practice.

From the tales of warring brothers in the Bhagavad Gita, and the journey to triumphing over ego, to the plethora of Hindu gods and goddesses and the mythology around them, we can learn so much from the stories behind the poses that we do, and appreciate the culture more deeply.

Sharing the stories behind the poses has often been something I pepper classes with, and I have now created sequences specifically around key poses and sharing the meaning behind them! You can practice these flows either on Wanderlust (intermediate/advanced classes) or via my platform on Kuula (all level classes - see schedule for the live Vinyasa+ Friday classes ).

In the next few posts, I am so excited to share a little of the stories behind the poses - we start with Crow Pose, before moving onto 8-angle pose and Flying Scissors pose, then Extended Triangle…. and much much more! I hope that you enjoy, and if there is a particular pose that you would love to know about, please drop me a line in the comments, or tell me what you think of the series.